Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Are They Really Cheating On You?

This is a very serious question. And before you start asking, be aware that an allegation as strong as "Are You Cheating On Me?" can have some unpleasant repercussions.

Whether you are a woman or a man and you have a suspicion that your partner is cheating, it is best to remember how you would want your partner to handle matters if the situation were reversed. Many times a rumor or even hurtful gossip is spread about someone with the intent on causing serious problems in a relationship. If such a situation has developed it may have been started because of anger or jealousy from another person or persons. That is why it is always wise to approach your partner with the intent to find out the facts. Remember that your partner is the one you love and should always be treated as being innocent (initially).

When you speak to your partner whether your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, always make sure you give them your full and serious attention, looking them in the eyes. Do not have an angry attitude nor a harsh tone in your voice, this will only cause animosity. It may be best to wait until you get over the initial shock of hearing of the infidelity before speaking. When you are ready to talk, let your partner know that you need to talk about a serious matter and sit down and talk, don't shout, cry, yell, accuse, or point. Remember, treat them as innocent. Your voice and attitude should be calm and speak with determination, do not get emotional. Remember to never speak when you are very upset or angry, this will only make you sound accusatory and will put your partner on the defense.

What do you do after you have done all of this? If you still have some suspicions about their infidelity, think first. If you do anything to trap or catch your partner, know that you do not believe them and/or you do not trust them. It is very difficult to have any kind of relationship without total trust in each other.

But, if finding out will allay your fears or confirm your suspicions, you will have to do something. I have seen several different programs on the market that claim to help you detect a cheating mate. However, I have found only one that really works as well as it claims. To see this site, click below.

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